

We communicate honestly, candidly and frequently. Our culture promotes listening, dialogue and the free exchange of ideas. 我们真诚地、坦率地、频繁地沟通,我们的文化提倡听、说和自由地交换意见和观点。Accountability 责任性We reward results. We expect our people to act as business owners, accepting responsibility for their work and their actions. 我们对成绩进行酬谢,我们希望员工作为一名企业的主人公,进行工作,勇于承担他们的工作和行为责任。Service 服务We place our customer first. We respond to their needs and work hard to solve their business issues. We share their sense of urgency. 顾客是第一位的,我们对他们的需求负责,努力解决他们的业务问题,急他们之所急。 Integrity 诚信
We conduct ourselves ethically and according to the highest professional standards. We tell the truth and honor our commitments. 我们以最高的职业标准来规范我们的行为,我们实事求是,以我们的行为为荣。Innovation 创新We anticipate customer needs and create products and services that exceed their expectations. We see opportunities, not barriers, and reward those who lead in the discovery and implementation of new and valuable ideas. 我们预期顾客的需求,创造超过他们期望的产品和服务,我们看到的是机会而不是障碍,奖励那些发现和补充新的有价值观念的人。 Respect 尊重We treat each other and our customers with respect and dignity, valuing individual and cultural differences and approaches to work.

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