

我们的目标We have chosen to specialise within the hospitality industry, by offering only experiences of exceptional quality. Our objective is to be recognised as the company that manages the finest hotels, resorts and resort clubs wherever we locate. 我们目标明确,对酒店服务业心无旁骛,并以质量为重。无论我们所管理的酒店、渡假村及会所式住宅座落何处,我们的目标,都是要使四季集团成为举世公认的最佳酒店管理机构。 We create properties of enduring value using superior design and finishes, and support them with a deeply instilled ethic of personal service. Doing so allows Four Seasons to satisfy the needs and tastes of our discriminating customers, and to maintain our position as the world’s premier luxury hospitality company. 我们的物业,都会因非凡的设计和完善的设备而更具价值。我们紧守严谨的道德操守,提供殷勤的个人化服务,必能满足贵客的严格要求,迎合他们的品味,以维持我们在全球高级豪华酒店机构中的崇高地位。 What We Believe
Our greatest asset, and the key to our success, is our people. 我们最大的财富和赖以成功的决定因素就是我们公司的全体员工。We believe that each of us needs a sense of dignity, pride and satisfaction in what we do. Because satisfying our guests depends on the united efforts of many, we are most effective when we work together cooperatively, respecting each other’s contribution and importance.
我们相信,无论所作何事, 每个人都需要拥有尊严、自豪及满足感。若要满足客人的需要, 必须携手同心,才可得以致之。我们的信念, 就是上下一心, 重视每个人的贡献和重要性,彼此互相尊重, 达致最大的效益。How We Behave

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相关文章 集团 酒店管理 世界
